Chewei Chen's profile

Kokedama with Water Island

Kokedama with Water Island

Kokedama originated from Edo period of Japan. At that time, most of people didn’t have enough money to buy beautiful pot for plant, so they make soil into ball and put moss outside as container, and it looks nice. This project’s idea comes from imagining the Kokedama is an organic life who has looked for his habitat. After he found the water island, he grew out peacefully. Sometimes a little nutrients drop into water and become new life gradually.

苔球源自於日本,在江戶時代普通人家大多沒有經濟能力買漂亮的盆栽作為盆景,於是將泥土捏成球,外層鋪上苔鮮,作為栽種觀賞植物的容器 ; 將苔球想像為具有移動性的有機生命體,在找到這座由水構成的島嶼後,安心地在此生長,一些養分落進水裡,形成新的綠意。
Brand:chill chill
Design:Chewei Chen, ChienChih Chen
Glassblowing:ChienChih Chen
Photography:Zihci Lin
design by studio chillchill
Kokedama with Water Island


Kokedama with Water Island
